- Manufacturer: Froli
- Material: thermoelastic polymer
- www.froli.com

- Manufacturer Froli bed spring systems are designed to give an extremely comfortable and lightweight solution to areas where condensation or damp may be a problem.
- Suspension A box-spring (sometimes referred to as a bed base) is a hard sturdy wooden frame, covered in cloth, containing springs or some other form of torsion.
- Humidity Damp, wet mattresses: mouldy bed-sheets, all caused by too much condensation and perspiration. Keeping your mattresses dry is a constant problem in bo
- Sleep According to sleep experts, if you want to be fully alert, in a good mood, mentally sharp, creative, and energetic all day long, you might need to spe
- Disorders There is no cure for the common cold, but in an experiment that deliberately infected volunteers with a virus, researchers have shown that getting les
Froli bed spring systems are designed to give an extremely comfortable and lightweight solution to areas where condensation or damp may be a problem. The open springs allow air to circulate easily ensuring a well ventilated environment around the mattress with no condensation.

- www.raskelf.com/froli-bed-systems.htm
- www.bettwaren-shop.de/Marken/Froli/Froli-Star-Mobil-Erweiterungspaket.html
Spring elements
Each single spring element of the healthy and comfortable bed foundation can be adjusted individually in the firmness degree through easy rotating and audible engaging.
Partners in a double bed can adjust their sleep side individually as well as persons whose living conditions, sleeping habits or preferences change.
A box-spring (sometimes referred to as a bed base) is a hard sturdy wooden frame, covered in cloth, containing springs or some other form of torsion. Usually the box-spring is placed on top of a wooden or metal bedframe which sits on the floor and acts as a brace. The box-spring is usually the same size as the much softer mattress which is placed above the box-spring. Working together, the frame, box-spring, and mattress make up a bed. It is also common to find a box-spring and mattress being used together without the support of a frame underneath, the box spring being mounted directly on casters standing on the floor.
The purpose of the box-spring is threefold:- to help raise the mattress's height, making it easier to get in and out of bed
- to help absorb shock and reduce wear to the mattress
- to help create a perfectly flat and firm structure for the mattress to lie upon
A slatted bed base has twin leaf spring elements, which are injection-moulded from plastics, for the largely independent, large-stroke deflection of the individual slats. Provided on the upper sides of the limbs of the spring arms are elevations which form steps and cooperate with lower spring portions of twin rubber springs which can each be pushed onto an adjacent pair of slats in the longitudinal direction of the slats. In this manner, the prestress of the slat bearing can be adjusted locally in a simple and permanent manner.
An elastic structure for bed rests made of slats, elastic slates or ribs placed across a bed frame and connected to it by slat holding joints. In order to enhance the bed rest's adaptability to the loads of a stretched-cut body, the bed frame's longitudinal girders are equipped with structures made of an elastic material composed of two curved elements opposed to each other; an upper element is shaped so as to allow substantial flexing with respect to the frame girder, while a lower element functions as a stabilizer and rigidity adjuster.
Damp, wet mattresses: mouldy bed-sheets, all caused by too much condensation and perspiration. Keeping your mattresses dry is a constant problem in boats and caravans, where ventilation is poor and relative humidity high.
On average, a person loses half a litre of perspiration per night. Normally in a domestic bed, this is absorbed by the mattress and eventually ventilated away through vent holes present in boxspring, spiral or lath bottom beds. This kind of luxury is not available in boats, caravans or campers, where bunk cushions or mattresses lie directly on benches. Wood, steel and plastics are practically impenetrable, so all moisture just accumulates under or in the mattresses itself.
Rust is the end product when you combine iron oxides with oxygen and then it is exposed to water or moisture in the air. Rusting is a form of corrosion. As things corrode they begin to break down and disintegrate.
We all know that rust breaks down the metal. So even though you can stop the rust from spreading, you won't be able to rebuild that metal back up. Sure you can cover it and protect it but once rust breaks down the material, you can only repair it and stop future rusting from occurring.
According to sleep experts, if you want to be fully alert, in a good mood, mentally sharp, creative, and energetic all day long, you might need to spend at least one third of your life sleeping. The sleeping brain is highly active at various times during the night, performing numerous physiological, neurological, and biochemical housekeeping tasks. These are essential for everything from maintaining life itself to reorganizing and enhancing thinking and memory.
Adjustable beds have been used in hospitals for a long time, but have become more commonly used in homecare over the past three decades, as they have been found to provide relief from various conditions.
The correct position to prevent snoring is the lateral position or side position. Only one leg is flexed from 20 - 40° angle, whichever feels comfortable to you, and the other remains straight.

- empower-you.blogspot.com/2008/08/what-is-your-position-in-bed.html
- www.achooallergy.com/images/rp_adjustable_positions.jpg
Neck Pain
To help prevent neck pain, use a pillow that keeps your neck straight, neither too high nor too flat. Use a pillow that doesn't force your head forward when you lie on your back and that allows you to align your nose with the center of your body when you lie on your side.

There is no cure for the common cold, but in an experiment that deliberately infected volunteers with a virus, researchers have shown that getting less sleep can substantially increase the risk of catching one.
Hypersomnia is characterized by recurring episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) or prolonged night time sleep. Different from feeling tired due to lack of or interrupted sleep at night, persons with hypersomnia are compelled to nap repeatedly during the day, often at inappropriate times such as at work, during a meal, or in conversation. These daytime naps usually provide no relief from symptoms. Patients often have difficulty waking from a long sleep, and may feel disoriented. Other symptoms may include anxiety, increased irritation, decreased energy, restlessness, slow thinking, slow speech, loss of appetite, hallucinations, and memory difficulty. Some patients lose the ability to function in family, social, occupational
or other settings. Typically, hypersomnia is first recognized in adolescence or young adulthood.
Insomnia is a symptom of any of several sleep disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia without other cause constitute a sleep disorder, primary insomnia.